Douglas Laman Has A Patreon!

Do you like what you see on Land of the Nerds? Enjoy those weekly In Laman's Terms columns? If so, maybe consider donating to Douglas Laman's Patreon? Land of the Nerds will always be free to access and ad-free, no worries about that, that's not changing. But if you just wanna show some love towards the person writing the content here through a Patreon donation, well, I wouldn't say no to that! There's some nifty stuff in store if you do donate, including glimpses into future Land of the Nerds essays and, for all of those who donate $10 a month, you can choose a movie a month for me to review!

The power is in your hands, all you've gotta do is become a Douglas Laman donor on Patreon!

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